• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

Wonders in Life 日常の喜積

(90)Time is Life 「時は命」なり

Today I talked to a girl student, who looked exhausted and drowsy. 《本日、疲れて眠そうにしている生徒と話しました。》 She has a good pe ...


(87)Focus Your Mind On ‘The Cosmic Energy’ 「宇宙のエネルギー」に意識の焦点を当てる

The other day while I was talking to one of my clients, a vision of ‘being in the space’ came acro ...


(82)Reenergize My Life 再出発

I feel bad about not having posted articles every day in this school year. Having been lacking in my energy in ...


(81)Great Encounters Are Expected This Weekend 今週末の素晴らしい出会い

I have been looking forward to this weekend, as I will meet my friends from Kyoto. They are a married couple w ...


(73)Wonderful Start Of The New School(fiscal) Year 新年度の素晴らしいスタート

Yesterday was super-sunny outside and there was a refreshing breeze. April 1st is the day when the new school( ...
