• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(85)Using The Power Of Japanese Properly Empowers Us 日本語を正しく使うことが力を与える

(85)Using The Power Of Japanese Properly Empowers Us 日本語を正しく使うことが力を与える

The Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world. I am a native speaker of J ...


(82)Reenergize My Life 再出発

I feel bad about not having posted articles every day in this school year. Having been lacking in my energy in ...


(81)Great Encounters Are Expected This Weekend 今週末の素晴らしい出会い

I have been looking forward to this weekend, as I will meet my friends from Kyoto. They are a married couple w ...


(77)Another Wonderful Review④ 新たな素晴らしいレビュー④

She concluded her review with the following remarks. “Other than that, I took some exercises and practic ...
