• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(43)’Write It And Find It’ For ‘Goodness Mining’ 「いいとこ掘り」で本当の自分を知る

(43)’Write It And Find It’ For ‘Goodness Mining’ 「いいとこ掘り」で本当の自分を知る

In the last article, I illustrated how beneficial ‘Write it and Shred it‘ was. It can make our min ...


(41)Challenges Are Treasures 課題は宝

I have talked with lots of people around the world on some platforms, such as online English conversation scho ...


(39)The Master Of Art 芸術の達人

Last weekend I visited one of my mentors, who was a famous sculptor and calligrapher. He used to be a teacher, ...


(38)Moderate Eating More Sleep ④(The Simplest And Very Effective Meditation) 最も簡単で体が休まる瞑想

As I mentioned before, one of my mentors said to me, “If you want to stay fit, you should eat moderately and s ...


(37)Pronunciation Matters 英語は発音が大切

’You can say it. You can catch it.’ This is what Mr. Kaz Yokoyama mentioned about the significance of pronunci ...


(36)Moderate Eating More Sleep③(sleeping) 適量の食とより多くの睡眠を③(睡眠編)

Having a good night’s sleep is one of the most arduous tasks for many people. If we have sleep disorders like ...


(35)Moderate Eating More Sleep②(Minerals) 必要なのはミネラル

In the previous article, we recommended you eat moderately to keep fit. What we should think about next is wha ...


(34)Moderate Eating More Sleep①(Eating) 適量の食とより多くの睡眠を①(減食編)

One of my mentors said to me one day, “If you want to stay fit, you should eat moderately and sleep more.” It ...
