• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(85)Using The Power Of Japanese Properly Empowers Us 日本語を正しく使うことが力を与える

The Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world. I am a native speaker of Japanese and have used it for a very long time. However, I have rediscovered the remarkable power of Japanese words lately.


‘Arigatou(有り難う)’ is one of the most used Japanese words in communicating with others. Many foreigners know that word. I have recognized that that word has the power to empower other people, animals, and plants. That effect can be used in communicating with any living things, and non-living things.


Otukaresamadeshita(お疲れさまでした)is also often used when we finish our work and say to other workers when leaving the workplace. That word has the great power of giving a sense of accomplishment and relief. It can be used when we want to put an end to something.


The Japanese language as it is is so great and beautiful. I have studied English for a very long time and learned a lot from that study. I recommend many people from other countries be interested in Japanese and learn a lot about Japanese culture.



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