• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(78)True Me(or sb), True Japan(or your country), True Earth, True Universe 本当の自分(人)、本当の日本(or あなたの国)、本当の地球、本当の宇宙

This morning an inspirational idea came into my mind, which showed me that ‘Now’ was the time when everything had to return to what it was originally designed to be and to do. Asking True Me what we should engage in to accomplish that goal has led me to an answer.

《今朝、インスピレーションがありました。「今こそあらゆるものが本来求められている状態となり、するべきことに戻るべき時である」 私は「本当の自分」にその達成のためには何をすべきかを尋ね、答えを得ました。》

The answer is to do ‘Goodness Mining‘ about not only what we are but where we live, the earth, and the universe, in this blog. Pointing out the good points of our districts, our countries, the earth, and the universe is, I think, what we are to do to turn them into better places. I would appreciate it if you could join us.


Cherry blossoms falling like snow

The spirits of True Japan

are twinkling in the sky.

《桜散る 真の日本の 魂光る》

Goodness Mining

Marvelous heavenly beauty looms

out of darkness

《いいとこ掘り 真の神の美の 現れり》


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