She continued, “Next, I engaged in ‘Write It And Find It‘ of ‘Goodness Mining’, in which I tried to identify hundreds of good points of mine. I tried to keep listing my good points without stopping, which was extremely challenging for me. The coordinator said, “You can put down the same words again and again”. So first, I noted the same words like ‘hair’ or ‘voice’, but gradually I came across other beautiful things that my friends and family members had pointed out, whose words touched my heart. Even I was surprised by how blessed and gifted I was. I reproached myself for what had happened in the past, but my bitter past turned itself around into love and gratitude.
“After that, I went on to the next task, which was to mine the wonderful things about those around me. Surprisingly, so many good things about those whom I detested were detected. I noticed that I hadn’t expressed sincere gratitude to them. Tears welled up in my eyes, realizing that I owed what I was to my parents and all the people around me.