My school management style turned out to be a great success and gave me a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. I wrote a thesis on what I did and what the students achieved and sent it to a national contest. Surprisingly the paper was chosen for the first prize in the contest. The judges said, “Japan has done so many things to help students to build up self-confidence, but these efforts did not work out quite well. This method is so easy and effective. Japanese teachers should utilize this practice to improve the performances and the self-esteem of students”.
I completely overcame my mental problems and grasped what my life mission was all about. My life should be dedicated to supporting people who have difficulties with mental issues and draining human relationships, and to helping people draw out the best in their infinite potential.
Through those experiences, I felt that the ‘Former Me’ died and the ‘New Me’ was born, as I talked about in the previous posts. Since then I have found so many people around me and around the world troubled with so many issues. I have done all I can and have shared with them what I have experienced and learned. THEY are now helping others based on the experiences of their own recovery.
A lot of people helped me when I was in trouble and it is my turn to help others. I am just ‘Paying It Forward’. I do hope this activity will catch on around the world like the ‘Ripple Effect’.