• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(50)Missions To Be Completed 達成すべき使命

In the last article, I showed part of my missions, which are:

(1) To live my TrueSelf and help others find out their TrueSelf.

(2) To help people in the world live in love and gratitude.

(3) To pursue the truth and help the world survive these difficult times.

In today’s post, I will articulate each of them.

To live my TrueSelf and help others find out their TrueSelf.

As I mentioned, seeking and discovering TrueSelf has been what my life is all about. As in the article ‘Challenges Are Treasure‘, negative experiences and negativity that made me feel as if I was in hell seasoned me, tempered me, and awakened me. Then I encountered my TrueSelf and since then I began to assist a lot of people who needed some kind of support. What I have been doing is to listen to their worries, and focus on their goodness. and try to draw on the best in their potential. Many people have found their TrueSelf and gotten over their challenges.

To help people in the world live in love and gratitude.

Finding our TrueSelf is the goal, but it is also the starting point of the true journey of our life. We can feel so much pleasure and feel mesmerized when we find our TrueSelf. But our journey shouldn’t stop there. When we recognize our TrueSelf, we will find out what we should do in this life. It is useless unless you try to complete what you are supposed to do and are meant to do. What I should do is help people focus on Light, Love, and Infinity by prevailing LLI Meditation.

To pursue the truth and help the world survive these difficult times.

The earth has been struggling through the most difficult times in its own long history. We have caused the destruction of the environment which would lead to a myriad of disasters, the lack of trust between people, the economic recession, and so on. I am afraid that there will be more of them in the near future. Many people cannot believe so much in what they used to believe in. What we should do from now is to find out what is really going on in the world, and engage in turning the world into a better place. It may take a lot of light, love, and infinity to fix it. However, we should do something before it gets too late.  







① 本当の自分を生きること。そして人が本当の自分を知ることを助けること。


② 世界の人々が愛と感謝で生きるのを助けること


③ 真実を発見し世界がこの難しい時代を生き抜くことを助けること



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