• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(43)’Write It And Find It’ For ‘Goodness Mining’ 「いいとこ掘り」で本当の自分を知る

In the last article, I illustrated how beneficial ‘Write it and Shred it‘ was. It can make our minds clearer, which sheds light on who we really are. Holding some feelings and thoughts in our minds might prevent us from reaching our TrueSelf.

The next step is ‘Goodness Mining,’ which is to enumerate our positive points to help us focus on our TrueSelf. TrueSelf is filled with LLI(Light, Love, and Infinity). There are many ways to find TrueSelves. One of those ways is to ‘write it and find it.’ If we utilize those three categories and the concepts listed below, it is much easier to do it.

Light … character, mindset, beauty, health, countenance, clothing, manners, work, leisure, and so on

Love … affection, volunteer, devotion, family, marriage, altruism. gratitude, nature, and so on

Infinity … strength, ability, academic achievement, sports, art, science, creativity, and so on

I will talk about what happened to me today.

I was relaxing on a Sunday morning. I opened my notebook and began to list my LLI points. When I began to read my page, I felt elated full of wonderful blessings. The love and gratitude I felt were incredible. I became immersed in my practice. I found myself in the world of light, love, and infinity. I had great future visions and they were about my life mission.

’Write it and Find it’ for Goodness Mining has awakened my TrueSelf within.



光 … 性格、考え方、美、表情、身だしなみ、マナー、仕事、趣味など

愛 … 愛情、ボランティア、貢献、家族、結婚、利他行、感謝、自然など

無限 … 力、能力、芸術、科学、創造性など





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