• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

How to live our TrueSelf 「本当の自分」を生きる

(92)目覚めの時 A Time of Awakening

目覚めの時 本日は2024年9月23日。日本ではお彼岸。秋分の日、昼と夜が同じ時間、まだまだ暑いが季節の流れ、世の中の流れが変わる時である。本日お墓参りをして今後の地方や日本の平和と安全を祈った。考えると先祖のおかげでこ ...


(74)Another Wonderful Review① 新たな素晴らしいレビュー①

Today I received a marvelous review from one of my clients. I am going to write about the review in a couple o ...


(46)About The Structure Of Our Minds 心の構造について

A lot of previous posts were about what ‘TrueSelf’, which is ‘what I truly am’, is all ...


(30)Letting Go Of Negativity(my experience)④ もやもやを解消する(体験)④

At around the age of 55, I had to face the biggest challenge in my life. I felt completely stuck and it was as ...


(29)Letting Go Of Negativity(my experience)③ もやもやを解消する(体験)③

After beginning to agonize over a mental disorder in my mid-40s, I found it very tough to read books, watch TV ...


(27)Letting Go Of Negativity(my experience)② もやもやを解消する(体験)②

My journey of disposing of negativity was a stony and thorny path, which was as if I were waddling in the dark ...


(26)Letting Go Of Negativity(my experience)① もやもやを解消する(体験)①

Today getting rid of negativity is what so many people are struggling with. My life was completely turned arou ...
