1 英語の発音等研究
1-①【American ’R’】 アメリカ発音「R」
A lot of learners of English find American’’R’ one of the most difficult sounds to acquire.
The reason why it is difficult is that we can’t quite see what takes place inside one’s mouth when we hear the sound ‘R.’
How to make American ‘R’
Some tricks in making American ‘R’ for Japanese learners.
1 ‘Rain’ : Round the lips first. Put the ‘ウ(u) ‘ sound in front of ‘R’ sound.
2 ‘Drive’ D+R=JR :The pronunciation of ‘drive’ sounds like ‘Jrive.’
3 ‘Trick’ T+R = CHR :The pronunciation of ‘trick’ sounds like ‘Chrick.’
4 more [mo・ər] (Double Vowel with ’R’)
5 word [wə:rd] shwa R (Single Vowel with ’R’)
◎If you can pronounce the word correctly, you can recognize it when it was spoken to you.(Kaz Yokoyama)
ステップ1 唇を丸くする。
ステップ2 舌を後ろに引いて、舌の後ろの部分を上げボールのように丸める。
ステップ3 舌の先を口の中のどこにもつけてはいけない。
ステップ4 喉の奥から有声音「R」を発音する。
1’Rain’ Rを発音する前に、「ウ」という音を短く入れるとよい。
2 ‘Drive’ D+R=JR DとRは「ジュ」という音になる。「ジュライブ」という音になる。
3 ‘Trick’ T+R = CHR TとRは「チュ」という音になる。「チュリック」という音になる。
4 more [mo・ər] (Double Vowel with ’R’) 母音+Rは二重母音となる。
5 word [wə:rd] shwa ’R’ 弱音の’ə:r’はシュワ。これは一重母音。
◎「読めれば聞ける」(横山カズ) まずは正しく音読できることが大切です。
2-①【Haiku 俳句】
Haiku is a very short poem that originated in Japan.
It consists of three parts and has 17 syllables with the pattern of 5-7-5.
Traditionally, in one haiku there should be one season word “kigo.” It gives the poem the brevity, the poetic emotions, the harmony with the universe, and so forth.
When writing haiku poems in English, we can make them in three-lined structure without being concerned about 5-7-5 syllables. We don’t have to put a season word in each haiku, as long as it has profound poetic expression of truth. We should eliminate any extra words and concepts, and get to the core.
“Simplicity and tranquility ” is the spirit of Haiku, and what Japanese culture is all about.
古池や(fu ru i ke ya)
蛙飛び込む(ka wa zu to bi ko mu)
水の音(mi zu no o to) by 松尾芭蕉(Matsuo Basho)1644-94
The old pond;
A frog jumps in —
The sound of water. Translated by R.H.Blyth
*”Kigo” in this poem is “a frog”, which indicates the season “spring.”(季語は「蛙」:「春」の季語)
A persimmon tree
Small but full of hope
The morning sun
柿一樹(ka ki i chi ju)
実る日近し(mi no ru hi chi ka shi)
朝日射す(a sa hi sa su)
○ After the long spell of rain
Soft breeze from the universe
The angel voices of children
長雨過ぐ(na ga a me su gu)
虚空(そら)の微風(so ra no so yo ka ze)
童子(こ)らの声( ko ra no ko e)
○ Love and gratitude
Stands tall in the chaos like this
The ray of hope from the sky
混沌に(ko n to n ni)
慈悲一人立つ( ji hi hi to ri ta tsu)
先灯り(sa ki a ka ri)
*These haikus are what I made to express how I feel, so they cannot necessarily be good enough to be the models of English haikus.
The Japanese haikus might not be the literal translation of English haikus and there might not be any season words in Japanese translations.
2-②-1 About Bushido About Aikido 武士道について 合気道について
The Japanese spirit and culture cannot be fully explained without knowledge about Bushido, which is the chivalric code of the samurai, emphasizing loyalty, self-decipline, and honor.
“Bushido -Samurai Ethics and the Soul of Japan-” by Inazo Nitobe is the book that shows us what Bushido is all about.
There are many martial arts in Japan such as Judo, Kendo, Karate, Shoringi-kenpo, and Aikido, through the practices of which Japanese people have developed the Bushido spirit. We also have typically Japanese refined forms of art, like tea ceremony, and flower arrangement, which have helped us with our character-building.
Many of you may know much about Judo, Kendo, tea ceremony, and so on. So I’d like to explain a little bit about Aikido in this post. (I have been practicing Aikido for years.)
Aikido is a very unique martial art which originated in Japan. Morihei Ueshiba had practiced a lot of practical martial arts and through divine inspiration founded Aikido. The spirit of Aikido is the harmony with others, with things around us, and with the universe. So what Aikido pursues is harmonizing with those around us and realizing a peaceful world, without hurting others. It is not winning or losing. Though Aikido doesn’t rely on punching and kicking, it can control opponent’s movement. That is why so many people around the world have been engaged in this martial art. I do believe Aikido spirit is what people need especially in the difficult times of the world.
You can watch the skills of Morihei Ueshiba on YouTube or some other media.