• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

The practice that draws out the best 引き出す活動

(96) 市民団体 登録 Registration of a Citizen Organization

本日市民活動センターに市民団体の登録を行ってきた。「西条丹原ひなた学縁」という団体だ。何年も温めてきたプロジェクトだが、提出する意思が固まったので本日の提出となった。 近年、様々な要因があって地元が疲弊し、人々が大変困っ ...


(94)一人親方の生き方 The Way of the Independent Worker

地震、台風、食糧危機、財政難、移民問題など、我々の国が抱えている問題は多い。 またこの数年間、ワクチンで健康被害にあったり、亡くなったりした人も多い。新ワクチンに対する懸念も大きく、この10月から一体この日本という国はど ...


(77)Another Wonderful Review④ 新たな素晴らしいレビュー④

She concluded her review with the following remarks. “Other than that, I took some exercises and practic ...


(76)Another Wonderful Review③ 新たな素晴らしいレビュー③

She went on, saying, “What was happening at work then had started to alter for the better. Going to work ...


(75)Another Wonderful Review② 新たな素晴らしいレビュー②

She continued, “Next, I engaged in ‘Write It And Find It‘ of ‘Goodness Mining’, ...


(62)Great Encounters With Wonderful Students: 素晴らしい生徒との出会い

I met a myriad of students, whose potential I think was infinite. I made every effort to ’teach’, but so many ...


(44)Raise Your “Mind Temperature” 「心の温度」を上げる

Today when I was talking with my friend about what I had experienced yesterday, inspirational words came acros ...
