An Era That Challenges Us: “How Should We Live?”
~ Spreading the Energy of “Loving Our Community” Across Japan and the World ~
私たちはどう生きるか」が問われる時代 ~「地域大すき」のエネルギーを日本へ、そして世界へ~
また、英語の授業で“If only…!”を使った英作文をするよう言ったとき、ある生徒が「国のトップになって国を良くしたい」と言いました。確実に意識は変わってきていると感じます。
An Era That Challenges Us: “How Should We Live?”
~ Spreading the Energy of “Loving Our Community” Across Japan and the World ~
The year 2025 has arrived. Though belated, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I look forward to working with you again this year.
Recently, the renowned economic analyst, Mr. Morinaga, passed away. With his gentle tone, he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to shedding light on Japan’s various issues. It is said that he continued broadcasting on the radio until the day before his passing. He was a remarkable person, admired by many, and lived a truly honorable life. I sincerely pray for his soul to rest in peace.
Many tributes have been posted online, and among them, one comment struck me deeply: “Rather than thinking about how to die, he made us reflect on how to live.”
There is a book titled How Do You Live? that I have recommended to high school and junior high school students. However, in this time of transformation, I believe the question is not just “How do you live?” but rather “How do we live?”
Japan is currently facing numerous challenges on all fronts. It is becoming increasingly clear that the reality we have known is now transitioning into a new reality—one that is built upon a consciousness of love and gratitude.
However, this transformation will not happen on its own. It is up to us—through our own awareness and actions—to bring about the revival of Japan.
To achieve this, I believe that every Japanese person must embrace the mindset that “I am wonderful, my community is wonderful, and Japan is wonderful.” If we focus on recognizing and enhancing the strengths of ourselves and our communities, we will come to understand our own true brilliance, awaken to our purpose, and illuminate our surroundings.
As our self-esteem rises, so too will our appreciation for our local communities and our country.
(The reason I work on sharing the knowledge of proper English pronunciation across Japan is my deep desire to elevate the self-confidence of Japanese people.)
This philosophy forms the foundation of my community revitalization efforts, which manifest in initiatives such as Tanbara Daisuki, Tanbara Eetoko Daisukiya, and the Saijo Tanbara Haiku Walk. I sincerely hope that the Tanbara Daisuki concept will expand to other regions, inspiring movements like “○○ Daisuki” across Japan.
Ultimately, this will lead to “Japan Daisuki” and even “Earth Daisuki”. This transformation will not be fueled by selfish motives but by selfless energy—the energy of love, gratitude, and paying kindness forward. It is this energy that will shape a new reality for the world.
I hope that positive energy, like the gentle “Aino Kaze” (Wind of Love), will spread waves of peace throughout Japan and across the globe.
In recent years, more and more individuals have begun to speak the truth in their own words. Unlike before, there is a growing number of people who speak from the depths of their souls. The words of truth carry energy, and no matter how long you listen to them, they never feel exhausting—rather, they are invigorating.
Recently, I came across the phrase, “Politics is life.” This struck me as profoundly true.
In a high school English class, I once asked students to write sentences using “If only…!” One student wrote, “If only I could become the leader of the country and make it better.” This is a clear sign that awareness is shifting.
Interest in elections is growing in Japan. In the United States, people have long been highly conscious of elections, and the recent presidential race has significantly changed the landscape. Although Japan has been slower to follow suit, more people who genuinely wish to improve the nation are stepping forward as candidates, providing voters with more choices. The collective consciousness around politics is changing.
Even in my own community, as people’s awareness shifts, we are beginning to see real changes in society.
If every citizen raises their awareness and votes for candidates who embody altruism and truly seek to bring happiness to the people, the country will undoubtedly improve.
The time for change has arrived.
In 2025, it is not just about changing our “awareness”—it is about translating that awareness into real change in our world.
I encourage everyone to cherish this precious and glorious moment and to enjoy it with high vibrational energy.
I look forward to working with you all again this year.
To our friends around the world, let us join hands in creating a world filled with love and gratitude.
Thank you.