【英語楽習 発音】日本人の英語力、上げるカギは?
日本の識字率は世界でもずば抜けて高かったことが広く知られている。寺子屋などで「読み書きそろばん」が教えられていたからである。 また、私たちの小さい頃の本には漢字にふりがながふってあった。漢字もかなり難しいものが多く、内容的にもかなり難解なものもあったと記憶する。
その伝統的にポテンシャルの高い日本人が英語で苦労している。ほとんどの日本人が英語が聞けない、話せない、TOEICの点が低いという状態になっている。何かがおかしいのだ。 言語は話せて初めて習得したと言える。しかし、今のこの状態を見ると、英語教育のどこかがおかしかったと言わざるを得ない。「コミュニケーションの向上」を謳ってはいるが、あえて言わせてもらえれば「音声をどう教えるかの研究がなされていない」。残念ながら英語教育の研究会において、音声指導の研究部会があったという記憶がない。音声の指導はどちらかと言うと避けられてきた。音声の指導に苦手意識を持つ教員も多い。
私は58歳になって同時通訳者の横山カズ先生に出会った。いきさつを話せば長くなるが、不思議な出会いだった。FBでつながり、勤務校での講演をお願いすることに至った。実際に来県していただき、生徒や英語科教員に発音や表現力の向上への取り組み方などを伝えていただいた。私自身の発音修行もそこから始まった。現職の時に大阪まで行き何度かセミナーにも参加させていただいた。 そして「分かったこと」は、「私は全く何にも分かっていなかった」ということである。
難関大学に進学する生徒を教えるなど、読解や作文を教えることに全力を注いだ時代もあったが、フラストレーションがたまる日々だった。やっと本物の先生と出会い、多くのノウハウを学んだ。今、本物の英語を教えることができる喜びを感じている。このブログでも少しずつ発音の効果的なノウハウをご紹介したい。 私自身の経験から言えることは「何万時間実際の英語を聞き流してもコツを学ばない限り耳は慣れない」ということである。
【English Learning and Pronunciation】How to Improve Japan’s English Proficiency?
It has been widely known that Japan’s literacy rate was remarkably high by global standards. This was due to the education provided in “terakoya” schools, where reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. When I was a child, many books we read had furigana (phonetic aids) next to kanji, and many of the kanji were quite difficult. I also remember that the content was often quite complex.
Mathematics, too, had a long history in Japan, with advanced problems known as “sangaku” being tackled. When matchlock guns were introduced to Japan, they were mass-produced domestically by Japanese craftsmen. By the end of the Edo period, there were even domains that built steamships by themselves. The exceptional capabilities of the Japanese people are clear.
Yet, despite this long tradition of high potential, many Japanese are struggling with English. Most people in Japan cannot listen to or speak English well, and TOEIC scores tend to be low. Something is wrong here.
A language is only truly learned when one can speak it. But looking at the current state of English education in Japan, it’s clear that something has gone awry. Although we speak of “improving communication skills,” I must say that there has been little research on “how to teach pronunciation.” Unfortunately, I don’t recall any research groups in English education specifically focusing on pronunciation instruction. Pronunciation instruction has often been avoided, and many teachers feel uncomfortable with it due to a lack of training or resources.
Most Japanese people struggle to understand natural English. During the COVID-19 pandemic, how many Japanese people were actually able to get information directly from foreign broadcasts? (In fact, I struggled with this as well.) I passed the Eiken Grade 1 exam in my 40s, but it was always frustrating that I couldn’t fully understand the English in movies or dramas. Even now, when I conduct listening exercises using music for high school English teachers in my seminars, not many can catch everything in just one try. Given this, it’s no surprise that most Japanese people find listening comprehension challenging.
When I turned 58, I had the fortune of meeting Kaz Yokoyama, a professional simultaneous interpreter. There’s a long story behind how we met, but it was a serendipitous connection through Facebook that led me to invite him to speak at my high school. He came all the way to our prefecture and taught the students and English teachers about improving pronunciation and expressive abilities. That’s when my own journey of mastering pronunciation began. While still working, I traveled to Osaka several times to attend his seminars.
What I “realized” was that “I didn’t understand anything at all” before meeting him.
For some years, I dedicated myself almost entirely to teaching reading comprehension and writing to students aiming for admission to top universities. However, I often found myself frustrated. After finally meeting a true expert, I learned a wealth of practical techniques. Now, I feel the joy of being able to teach genuine English, and I’d like to share some pronunciation tips here on this blog little by little.
From my own experience, I can confidently say that “no matter how many hours you spend passively listening to English, your ears will not adapt unless you learn the right techniques.”
Moreover, I believe that the inability to communicate confidently in English, particularly with correct pronunciation, contributes to the low self-esteem many Japanese people feel. I’ve come to strongly feel a deep connection between the improvement of self-esteem and the practice of enjoyable English learning.