• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(111)【武道・合気道】達人から学ぶ Learning from a Master



先生はYoutubeやNHKなどで紹介される大変著名な方であり、大柄な外国人を軽々と投げ飛ばす先生である。 今治しまなみ合気会の橋田一美先生が本物中の本物の先生だと惚れこまれ、東京まで稽古に行かれ修行されたのがご縁である。








また食事会等でお話を聞かせていただく中で、感銘を受けたことも多かった。 特に、印象的だったのは



・大東流合気柔術の達人について  などであった。

大東流合気柔術の達人のお話をお伺いしたので、自宅に帰ってから、『透明な力 不世出武術家 佐川幸義』(木村達雄著)を開いてみた。私の書棚に何十年もある本である。次はその本の一節である。 「私は毎日二十四通りもの鍛錬を続けている。その他にも例えば、八角棒(素振り用に使う重い八角の棒)だって毎年30万回振っているし、それを三十年、四十年と一日も休まず続けているのだ。いろいろやって、それを長年続けてみて初めていろいろな効果が分かってくる。短期間ちょとやそっとやってもなにがどうなんだかとても分かるものではない。・・・」

振り返ってすべてにおける自分の甘さを感じた。合気道も英語もすべてが中途半端に思えた。 英語の音読について先日教えていただいたO先生は、初見文の「壁打ち」(地道にいろいろな英文を読む)をひたすらされているという。


今の日本には「鍛錬」などいう言葉は死語に近くなっているかもしれない。 自分も含めて、物事に取り組む姿勢を考え直さなければならないのではないかと感じた。



【Aikido】Learning from a Master

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a seminar led by the world-renowned martial artist, Master Minoru Akuzawa of the A-Un Kai, and was deeply impressed not only by his instruction but also by his personal insights. Master Akuzawa, who usually operates internationally, is currently in Japan due to the pandemic and graciously traveled all the way to Shikoku to conduct this seminar. He is a highly respected figure, often featured on YouTube and television, known for effortlessly throwing even large foreign opponents.

The connection to this opportunity arose through an Aikido instructor Kazumi Hashida in Imabari Shimanami Aikikai, who was so captivated by Master Akuzawa’s authenticity and skills that he traveled to Tokyo to train under him.

It’s not just his techniques that are extremely remarkable—his character is equally exceptional.

What I learned during the seminar was exactly what I’ve been searching for:

  • The ideal use of the body
  • The concept of the “tanden” (core) and its connection to the hands
  • Lowering one’s center of gravity
  • Absorbing the opponent’s power
  • Methods of training

During the post-seminar discussions and meal gatherings, there were many other insights that left a strong impression on me, particularly:

  • His global expansion efforts
  • The origin of the A-Un Kai’s name
  • Stories about the masters of Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu

After hearing about the great masters of Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu, I returned home and opened my copy of Transparent Power: The Unparalleled Martial Artist Sagawa Yukiyoshi by Tatsuo Kimura. This book has been sitting on my shelf for decades. The following is an excerpt from it:
“I continue 24 types of training every day. On top of that, for example, I swing an octagonal rod (a heavy rod used for practice swings) 300,000 times every year, and I’ve done this for 30, 40 years without taking a single day off. After doing all of this for years, you begin to understand the various effects. You can’t possibly grasp anything from doing something sporadically or half-heartedly in a short period of time…”

Reflecting on this, I realized how lenient I’ve been with myself in all aspects—Aikido, English, everything has been somewhat half-hearted. Recently, my English instructor, Mr. O, shared with me her method of practicing reading aloud, focusing on “wall-hitting” with unfamiliar texts (persistently reading various English passages).

As the famous quote by Miyamoto Musashi goes, “Training for a thousand days is called discipline, training for ten thousand days is called refinement.” In today’s Japan, the word “training” might be close to becoming obsolete. Including myself, I felt the need to reconsider my approach to everything I undertake.

Speaking of which, the motto of the last school where I worked was “Discipline.” It was a truly excellent school, and looking back, I feel fortunate to have worked there.


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