• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(110)【引き出す活動 重要】イライラを消し、本当の自分を見つける方法①【Important: Exploring Activity】How to Eliminate Frustration and Find Your True Self (Part 1)

【引き出す活動 重要】イライラを消し、本当の自分を見つける方法①

昨日の投稿で「心を愛と感謝と調和にチューニングする」と書いたが、なかなかそれができないのが現実である。 なぜできないのか、それは「こころとは何か」が今一つ分からないからだ。

いろいろな学者、研究者が様々な学説を提唱しているが、私は最近「自分で考えて自分で納得したものに従って生きる」をモットーとしている。 心理学なども考え方は100人100様である。本当の真理はどこにあるのか。それは「自分の中」にある、と感じる。書籍や論文の情報は結局「外からの情報」なのだ。うつを10年患って、何万もの書籍や論文を読んでの結論だ。学んだことを参考にしながらも、自分の真理で生きる。オリジナルでよい、そう思う。









私はメンターの一人M先生にいつもこう言われていた。「頭をはずしなさい」と。え?頭をはずすって?意味が分からなかった。今まで小さい頃から「頭を使いなさい」「頭が使うのが人間の人間たる所以」と言われてきたのに、「頭を使うな」とはいかに? でも58歳の時、「本当の自分」の目覚めという人生の転機を経験した後は、その意味がよく分かった。







1 「人に話す」  「話す」は「離す」「放す」に通じる。自分から出すことをイメージしな がらとにかく人に話すことだ。だから、コロナで人々が一人でいることが多かった時期は、不安定な人が多かった。

2 「書く」 自分の気持ちをできればノートに鉛筆やボールペンで書いてみる。そうすると論点を客観的に見ることができるようになる。悩みは書くと消えることが多い。日記を書いている人は落ち込むことが少ない。

3 「書いたものを破る、燃やす、流す、埋める」  自分の悩みを書いた紙を破ったり、燃やしたり、水に流したりすると悩みは消えていく。自然の癒しの力にお任せする。

実はこの「書く」ということが、私のワークショップでは非常に重要である。いろいろなことを書くことで一気に表情が明るくなっていくのだ。 コンピュータが発達した現代、便利だということで奪われているこの「書く」という活動。人間性回復にも重要な意味があると感じるのである。


【Important: Exploring Activity】How to Eliminate Frustration and Find Your True Self (Part 1)

In my post yesterday, I wrote about “tuning the mind to love, gratitude, and harmony,” but the reality is that this is not easy to achieve. Why is that? It’s because we don’t fully understand what the “mind” truly is.

Various scholars and researchers have proposed different theories, but recently, I have adopted the motto of “thinking for myself and living according to what I personally find convincing.” In fields like psychology, there are a hundred different viewpoints for every hundred people. So where is the real truth? I feel that it resides “within myself.” After battling depression for 10 years and reading tens of thousands of books and papers, I’ve come to this conclusion: while drawing on what I’ve learned as a reference, I will live according to my own truth. It’s okay to be original—this is how I feel.

Here is my model. It consists of four concentric layers. This model is a personal synthesis of ideas from various people, including Professor A, who coached teams for the Olympics and World Cup, blending Eastern and Western philosophies like yoga, and Professor B, who advocated methods for discovering one’s true self.

From the outermost layer:

  • First layer: Knowledge and intellect
  • Second layer: Instinct and sensitivity
  • Third layer: Subconscious mind, karma, and trauma
  • Fourth layer: True self, love, gratitude, and natural healing power

The first, second, and third layers are the parts most influenced by daily life. Most people are heavily affected by the negative influences in these layers. The overemphasis on knowledge (the mind) significantly undermines humanity’s spiritual functioning. Additionally, the third layer—subconscious mind, karma, and trauma—is particularly troublesome and greatly impacts one’s mental and physical health.

Without even realizing it, we are constantly bombarded by negative information from the media, which accumulates in these layers day by day. That is why watching unnecessary TV, reading newspapers, or spending time on social media is not good for mental and physical health.

One of my mentors, Professor M, always used to tell me, “Detach from your mind.” Detach from my mind? I didn’t understand at first. Since childhood, I had always been told, “Use your brain,” and “The ability to think is what makes us human.” So why now, “Don’t use your mind?” But when I experienced a life-changing moment at the age of 58, when I awakened to my true self, I finally understood what this meant.

I also realized one more thing: while “use your brain” is true, it may also have been a kind of trap. When I considered the question, “What is the true essence of a human being?” I found that I had been led to believe that “human = brain.” In other words, I had been guided into thinking that humans were limited to the first, second, or third layers.

The truth is, the essence of a person is found in the fourth layer, which is the “true self,” and this is love, gratitude, spirituality, and divinity. Japanese thinkers like Tōju Nakae knew this. I studied Tōju Nakaye’s teachings extensively in my 30s, even learning from a teacher in Hiroshima. Back then, I didn’t understand why I was studying or the content, but now I feel that I was being taught something essential.

The process I used to escape from this involves two stages:

  1. Discard everything in the first, second, and third layers.
  2. Continuously focus on the fourth layer.

Today, I’ll briefly explain how I approached the first stage:

  1. “Talk to others” – “Talk” in Japanese can also mean “to let go” or “to release.” Imagine you are letting go as you talk to someone. This is why so many people became unstable during the COVID period when isolation was common.
  2. “Write it down” – If possible, write your thoughts down using a notebook and pencil or pen. This allows you to view your issues more objectively. Often, problems seem to disappear once they’re written out. People who keep journals tend to feel less down.
  3. “Tear it up, burn it, flush it, or bury it” – Once you’ve written down your worries, tear up the paper, burn it, flush it, or bury it. Let nature’s healing power take over and dissolve your troubles.

In fact, this act of writing is crucial in my workshops. By writing things down, participants’ expressions brighten quickly. Even in today’s tech-driven world, where writing is often overlooked in favor of convenience, I can also say that writing plays a vital role in restoring our humanity.

Next time, I’ll discuss the second stage. It will be a very important topic, so I hope you’ll read it.


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