日本人を目覚めさせるような大きな出来事(大難)が起こる前に目覚めなければToo Lateになってしまう。それを変えるチャンスはなくはないが多くはない。
Last Chance!?
Something very concerning happened between the day before yesterday and yesterday. I lost my frequency adjuster. I distinctly remembered putting it in my pocket before doing some farm work the day before yesterday, but by evening, I realized it was missing. I woke up early yesterday morning to search for it, but it was nowhere to be found. It’s an expensive item, so I was truly at my wit’s end. I tried doing a solo O-ring test, and the answer I got was that it was “in the field.” But no matter how many times I checked the place, I couldn’t find it.
Finally, as a last resort, I decided to peel back the black plastic mulch covering the soil that I had laid down the day before yesterday. And to my surprise, as I peeled back the very last section, there it was, underneath the mulch!
How in the world did it end up there? I must have accidentally dropped it while working. Being under the mulch, it was in a place where I’d never have found it under normal circumstances. I had just bought the aura and meridian program for my elderly mother as well, so I was both immensely relieved and dumbfounded at my carelessness.
How many times in my life have I experienced something like this—thinking “It should be fine” only to pay for it later? It should’ve been obvious how dangerous it is to keep things in your chest pocket while doing farm work. I wouldn’t have done it if I had been working in the mountain persimmon orchard. But I let my guard down because it was the field next to our house. This was a reminder that carelessness is the enemy, and I need to stay alert. If I had worn the adjuster like a necklace, none of this would have happened.
Life is just about making you repeat the same lesson until you truly understand it. Clearly, I haven’t fully learned mine yet.
Right now, Japan is experiencing its own painful lesson. If we don’t learn from it now, we’ll keep repeating the same mistakes forever. Japan is a wonderful country, but right now, wages overseas are higher, and some people are even going abroad for work. Just yesterday, I heard the story of someone who did exactly that. Japan is getting left behind. Agriculture, food, healthcare, economy, education… they’re all riddled with problems.
Japan has fallen to the status of a low-wage, impoverished country, and at the same time, I feel that people have also become shallow and cheap. There are very few real, substantial figures among us. Our education system doesn’t produce people of depth, and as a result, this is the outcome. We can’t cultivate people with just test-based education.
Before a major event that would awaken the Japanese people—a great calamity—happens, we need to wake up, or it will be too late. There are still chances to change, but they are few. The opportunity before us right now may very well be our last chance. The only way for Japan to recover is for true sages to rise as leaders.
Speaking of sages, I’ve been thinking of studying the wisdom of those who came before us. Emerson wrote Representative Men about figures like Plato, Swedenborg, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Napoleon, and Goethe. Uchimura Kanzō wrote Representative Japanese about Saigō Takamori, Uesugi Yōzan, Ninomiya Sontoku, Nakae Tōju, and Nichiren Shōnin. There is much to learn from the lives of these predecessors. By studying the way these figures lived, especially with a focus on the Japanese, I want to learn how we should live as Japanese people and as human beings.
Although my writing may not be perfect, I plan to share my findings through a blog. I hope it will serve as a useful reference for others as they navigate their own lives.