• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(101)「引き出す活動」とは ”The Practice of Drawing Out”









“The Practice of Drawing Out”

I am currently focusing on “the practice of drawing out” as the main theme of my workshops and counseling sessions.

This concept originated from what I call “education that draws out,” which is aimed at bringing out one’s “true self.” When I was the principal of a high school, I made this the core concept of the school and ran it based on this approach. As a result, both students and staff experienced an increase in self-esteem and mutual respect, leading to unbelievable achievements, such as winning five national championships, including a student who won a gold medal at the Asian Games right after graduation. The success of this initiative was recognized by an educational award from Gakuji-Shuppan Publishing, which named it the national grand prize winner for the Education and Culture Award. The reason for the selection was that, despite efforts by the Ministry of Education and various prefectural education boards to raise Japan’s notably low levels of self-esteem, they had not achieved significant results. This initiative was recognized as simple, effective, and necessary to share with teachers, parents, and youth nationwide.

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread and societal disorder, as well as local issues like foreign investment in land and high school closures, became more apparent, this “education that draws out” has expanded into new areas: “drawing out health” (natural healing power), “drawing out the charm” (of the region and Japan), “drawing out politics,” and “drawing out agriculture.” Currently, this practice has been extended to various parts of Japan, such as Niigata, Nagano, Mie, Yamaguchi, and Hiroshima, under the name “drawing out activities.”

The concept of “drawing out” is based on the premise that “we are already 100% complete.” It starts from the belief that “we are wonderful, and we are capable.” The idea that we “can’t do it” or that we are “no good” is merely a result of conditioning.

However, even though people may say “I am wonderful” or “I can do it,” truly feeling that way can be difficult due to the conditioning that gets in the way, along with the pressure to conform. My workshops are designed to teach the know-how needed to change this fundamental mindset.

With growing social anxiety and issues related to food, more people are experiencing low self-esteem or mental health challenges such as depression. It is precisely because we live in such challenging times that I believe it is important to focus on the “true nature” and “ideal state” of ourselves, those around us, and our country.

When I was 58, I discovered my mission in life. It is to “live my true self” and “help others find their true selves.” When I came to this realization, I felt that I could die with no regrets. In fact, I believe that the old version of me did die at that moment. Since then, I have lived a new life—my true life.

I don’t know to what extent my efforts will benefit others. But I will continue living my “true self,” because that is all I can do. And at the same time, I believe that is enough.


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