Sound of Freedom
一昨日Sound of Freedomを観て来た。地方の一劇場での公開だったが、多くの人が鑑賞に来られており、途中ですすり泣く声が聞こえてきた。
日本でも10月からの医療や政治について心配する声が大きい。安全で信頼される国として発展するためにも、真実を知り、天命に生きる人のネットワークが必要だと思う。Too lateにならないうちに。
Sound of Freedom
Two days ago, I went to see Sound of Freedom. It was shown at a small local theater, but many people had come to watch, and during the movie, I could hear quiet sobs from the audience. While I had heard about international crimes such as child abduction, human trafficking, and sexual abuse, watching this film based on true events gave me a glimpse into part of the reality and mechanisms of this world. If the peaceful scenes we witness daily represent the “world of light,” then this is truly the “world of darkness.” But what if the “world of light” and the “world of darkness” are two sides of the same coin… and what if children are being exploited in that dark world?
First and foremost, it is crucial to be aware of these facts. From there, we need to reflect on what we can do. It’s said that the release of this movie faced many challenges, and it’s not hard to imagine why. I am deeply grateful that it was able to be shown in Japan. We are now in an era where more and more things are being exposed, and all that’s left is for each individual to wake up.
What left the strongest impression on me was the clear eyes of the protagonist, who lived out his destiny with courage, risking his life. The eyes reveal everything. We need a network of people with such eyes, people who live in truth.
I highly recommend everyone to watch this film in the theater at least once.
In Japan as well, there are growing concerns about healthcare and politics, especially with changes in October. For the country to develop as a safe and trustworthy nation, we need a network of people who know the truth and live out their destiny. Before it’s too late.