明日はSound of Freedomを観に行く予定だ。大きな学びがあるのではないかと思っている。
As October begins, I feel that we have entered a particularly challenging stage. Behind this seemingly peaceful scene, we have no idea what is truly happening. It feels like “the calm before the storm.”
It is precisely in times of peace that we must remain vigilant. It is precisely in times of peace that we must prepare. The saying “complacency is the enemy” is very true. I can hear the words, “Be prepared.”
In the past, every group had sages and elders. These individuals would look at past history and the current situation, make comprehensive judgments, and lead the group. They possessed a special spiritual quality and intuition that allowed them to lead tens of thousands, even millions of people. They were people of great capacity. If there was even one such person, that region would be safe. Saigō Takamori once said the following: “A person who neither seeks life nor fame, nor desires rank or money, is the one who poses a challenge. Only such a person can endure hardships and achieve the great endeavors of the nation.”
Nowadays, leaders are chosen by majority vote, but it is questionable whether people of high spiritual caliber are being selected. The quality of a group is entirely dependent on the “quality of its leaders.” How we can cultivate people who will be pillars of light for the world, who will become beacons of light, is the key to determining Japan’s future.
In the past, Japan’s educational purpose was to nurture such exceptional individuals. Am I the only one who thinks that this kind of education is especially needed today?
Tomorrow, I plan to watch Sound of Freedom. I expect it will provide a significant learning experience.
My email address: trueselfesteemforeveryone@gmail.com