• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(95)空気に流されない Not Being Swayed by the Crowd





KY stands for “not reading the air,” which has typically been used in a negative context. Saying “he’s KY” implies that he is selfish or inconsiderate. But upon reflection, this phrase seems somehow connected to recent phenomena. Over the past three years, the Japanese have been subjected to immense “peer pressure.” How many people got vaccinated simply because they were worried about what others would think? It was all the result of the “air,” or social atmosphere. There’s a fear of being laughed at if you don’t do what everyone else is doing. This outcome was driven by the Japanese vulnerability to the “air.”

What I sense now, however, is that many people are starting to become aware of this. They are researching for themselves and making their own decisions. What others do is their business, but what you do is yours. No matter how much others say, if you believe something isn’t right, then don’t do it. If you think it’s the right thing, then do it. It’s as simple as that. Japanese people have long been in a dependent state, leaving things to others. The saying “Our country will take care of us” (Oyakata Hinomaru) used to work. But that’s no longer the case. We must break free from that. It’s essential to realize that you can only truly contribute to others when you are truly independent and self-reliant.

In my previous blog, I talked about how the entire Japanese population needs to become “independent workers” and “farmers.” Only then can we form a strong collective. The key to a powerful group lies in strong individuals working together. We don’t need a single strong leader because everyone is a leader.

Japan will be reborn—into a strong collective where everyone is a leader. Now is the time of trial, the time of storms. We must not be defeated by this test. The Yamato spirit will be revived from here.

My email address: trueselfesteemforeveryone@gmail.com


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