• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(93)「真実」に生きる Living in Truth


ずっとテレビを見るのもよいのだが、自分と向き合って自分がどう感じているのかを知ることが大切なのではないか。私はこの2・3年ほとんどテレビを見ていないし、新聞も読んでいない。どこか波長が合わないのである。気が滅入るし、元気も出ない。やや偏っていると感じることもある。だからNo thank you.なのだ。しかしながら、そのおかげで精神的はかなり安定し、充実している。



Living in Truth
Yesterday was a busy day. In the morning, I was consulted about a new vaccine, so I advised the person to gather thorough information and make their own decision. The era of simply following what the government or media says is over. I was particularly impressed when the person I was advising said, with a bright face, “So, I need to take responsibility for protecting myself.”

It’s fine to keep watching TV, but perhaps it’s more important to take time to reflect on how you really feel. I haven’t watched much TV or read newspapers in the past two or three years. Something just doesn’t resonate with me. Most of what TV and newspapers are showing us is depressing, enervating, and sometimes seeming biased, so I say, “No, thank you.” However, as a result, I find myself mentally much more stable and fulfilled.

In the end, what’s important is whether or not we can grasp the “truth” and live in “truth.” Living in truth is difficult in today’s world, and it often leads to an awkward way of life. However, based on my own experience, living our “true self” is much easier in the long run.

Until now, such a way of living has been dismissed as unconventional. But I believe this will become the norm going forward. I sense that many people in my country are beginning to awaken to the truth. While I believe we must endure the pain of transition, I am also excited to see what kind of era lies ahead.

My email address: trueselfesteemforeveryone@gmail.com


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