• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(60)Positive Reviews On LLI Meditation 「光と愛と無限の瞑想」の効果(最近のレビューより)

About two months have passed since LLI Mediation was born into this world. Just after its birth, it was fragile like a babe, but it has gradually grown up to be strong enough to help a lot of people. This week I had two positive reviews on this mediation. Both are from Japanese practitioners.


(1) A college professor (aged 60)

Having suffered from irritated feelings and experiencing a lot of hardships for a very long time, I had been struggling to get over the issues that needed to be solved. The coordinator said that my troubles might be caused by other peoples’ negative feelings toward me. He practiced a guided meditation with me. After that, I felt so light and refreshed.



(2) A high school teacher (aged 60)

I am now working on a big project where I can support students who need some help. I have been so busy that I felt I was trapped in a mental maze. I read the article on this meditation and gave it a try. I could smile for the first time in months. The grey world around me changed itself into a colorful one.




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