• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(55)Things I Learned① ‘Compassion’ 学んだこと「人の気持ちが分かる」

Getting over my difficulties made me learn so many relevant things. Having had so much pain, depressive feelings, very low self-esteem, self-abuse, and so on has been worth more than a lot of money. I then understood how hideous those feelings were.


Before around 60 years old, the Japanese expression ‘Put yourself in someone else’s shoes’ was something I couldn’t do in the truest sense of the words. Those harsh days in my 40s and 50s made me drastically change my mindset, which led me to a new world. I think I became a different person who could relate to many other people who were troubled with a variety of issues to be solved.


Everything has happened for a reason.



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