• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(39)The Master Of Art 芸術の達人

Last weekend I visited one of my mentors, who was a famous sculptor and calligrapher. He used to be a teacher, but enlightenment in his early 40s led him to become an artist. He has won the first prize in the most prestigious art contest in Japan twice.

Dedicating himself to pursuing his art, he has materialized what he has visualized. Bright visions with twinkling colorful energy come across his mind whenever he closes his eyes. Being eighty years old, he says, “80 is at the height of life. I have just begun a new project.” A lot of people who stand in front of his artworks often go speechless and shed tears in profound and exquisite pleasure.

His works have no excess to scrape off. All there is is what the truth is all about.

The visit was so inspirational, which has made me more motivated to start again.








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