• Change your mindset. Change your life. 楽に生きるために(英日 2か国語サイト)

(7)Upgrades in LLI-Meditation 光と愛と無限の瞑想(修正版)

  Some upgrades have been made in the new meditation. Those are about the title of the meditation, and the colors corresponding to the words.新しい瞑想にいくつか修正が加えられました。タイトルと言葉に対応する色の変更です。


During the last few months, I have received a lot of inspiration, one of which is an idea about meditation. I call it ‘Light, Love, and Infinity Meditation.’ Putting it into practice has made me realize how effective it is to keep mental sanity.

I have practiced Zen meditation and other methods for a very long time, through which I have tried to clean up my mind and make my mind well-organized. Of course, they have helped me a lot.

However, I would say that ‘Light, Love, and Infinity Meditation’ is just as good as any one of them.

It can brighten our minds, electrify our life, and strengthen our bondage with the universe.

It consists of four parts. The procedure is as follows;


1-1 Sit down(or lie down) and feel relaxed.

1-2 Close your eyes slowly and breathe in and breathe out three times

1-3 Imagine breathing in the twinkling golden energy and the words ‘Light is me’ from the universe, and imagine them going deep down into your body and spirit.

1-4 Hold your breath for 10-20 seconds and imagine your being Light itself.

1-5 Imagine breathing out the twinkling golden energy and the words ’I am Light’ and imagine them spreading into this world and going back to the universe.

1-6 Repeat 1-3 ~ 1-6 ten times

2-1 Imagine breathing in the twinkling pink energy and the words ‘Love is Me’ from the universe, and imagine them going deep down into your body and spirit.

2-2 Hold your breath for 10-20 seconds and imagine your being Love itself.

2-3 Imagine breathing out the twinkling pink energy and the words ’I am Love’ and imagine them spreading into this world and going back to the universe.

2-3 Repeat 2-1 ~ 2-3 ten times.

3-1 Imagine breathing in the twinkling sky blue energy and the words ‘Infinity is me’ from the universe, and imagine them going deep down into your body and spirit.

3-3 Hold your breath for 10-20 seconds and imagine your being Infinity itself.

3-3 Imagine breathing out the twinkling sky blue energy and the words ’I am Infinity’ and imagine them spreading into this world and going back to the universe.

3-3 Repeat 3-1 ~ 3-3 ten times

4-1 Lastly feel for a while how you feel about being light, love, and infinity itself, and say the following words three times, ‘Light is Me. I am Light. Love is Me. I am Love. Infinity is Me. I am Infinity.’

4-2 Open your eyes and stretch your body slowly. Write down how you felt during the meditation.

*My fellow citizens in the world!

We practice this meditation at 9:00 and at 21:00(JST) every day in January and in February.

If you could engage in this activity and share the same vision with us, it would enhance the vibration of the earth and the universe.

*Improvements in this meditation will be made accordingly.










1-6 1-3~1-5を10回繰り返す。

2-1吸う息に合わせて、宇宙からのきらきらと輝く ピンク色のエネルギーと「愛は私」という言葉を体や心に深く取り入れることをイメージする。



2-4 1-1~2-3を10回繰り返す。




3-4 3-1~3-3を10回繰り返す。

4―1 しばらく自分が光と愛と無限そのものになってきらきらと輝いていることを体感し、「光は私、私は光。愛は私、私は愛。無限は私、私は無限」と3回唱える。






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